Spreading Hope and Urban CCE Schools w/ Dan Olson
Who doesn’t like a good success story? Classical Christian Education is on the rise and the impact is far...
Meeting Student Learning Challenges w/ Leslie Collins
Classical Christian education is growing around the world and the influx of new students comes with a range of...
Dominion Over Technology w/ Jeff Mingee
In the world of classical Chrisitian education, if there is one enemy that has the ability to undermine our...
Seven Elements of a Healthy School w/ Walter Kearns
What is a healthy school? There are many ways to answer this question because schools are complex organizations. Healthy...
Desperate for Depth in an Age of the Superficial w/ Alex Petkas
Classical Christian educators aren’t just interested in the old stuff for nostalgia sake or to hide from the crazy...
Persuasive Technology and Cigarettes w/ Mary Blake Fletcher
I have in a computer file a recording of a television advertisement from the 1940s eagerly pitching Lucky Strike...
The State of Culture and Education w/ David Kinnaman
For the past 40+ years the Barna Group has been leading the way in researching the latest trends impacting...
Our Cultural Moment and the CCE Antidote w/ Gordon Pennington
Our schools obviously exist in the midst of the surrounding culture. The daily bombardment of media techno intrusion can...