Davies Owens

Tackling the Five Biggest Temptations Within Classical Christian Schools ~ Brian Douglas

The bad news…temptations exist even in the classical Christian world. The good news…uncovering these temptations means parents and educators are more informed and can think wisely about the challenges they and their students might encounter. Having served as a classical Christian educator, Brian Douglas critiques from within, shares the struggles he fought and how to…

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Raising Kids In A Society Fixated On Competition and Performance ~ Ben Bost

Isn’t competition as American as apple pie and Chevrolet? Yes, but all too often, modern society’s fixation with competition, performance and metrics erodes our children’s identity and the Christian faith we are trying to build. Even worse, well-intentioned parents are often the worst culprits! Ben Bost shares compelling research about the harm that our competitive…

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Finding Balance In A Non-stop Digital Age ~ Tony Reinke

Author Tony Reinke’s newest book, Competing Spectacles: Treasuring Christ in the Media Age, addresses the tension between seeing as God sees versus what we see all around us… anything from Facebook to Twitter, from Netflix to a kiss cam. This constant media barrage means that what is not explicitly sinful still pulls our gaze away…

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The House Program: The Heartbeat of Classical Christian Schools ~ Jordan Tucker

Far and away, what area of a classical Christian school most influences a school culture? Our guests today share the stunning answer…a thriving House Program!  As Jordan Tucker, a House Governor for six years, says the House Program is “the heartbeat of our school.” While students don’t wear funny robes or hats like in the…

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Thinking Fast On Your Feet – Mock Trial Delivers ~ David Goodwin

Have you ever wondered what Mock Trial is all about? Today’s episode explains how this intellectual sport works and how it combines some of the best parts of a classical education. Two students and their coach share stories, lessons learned and why Mock Trial has been one of the best decisions they ever made…and why…

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May The Story Force Be With You ~ Matt Bianco and Brian Phillips

Neuroscience reveals that not only are we wired for stories, but our brains are activated up to five times more when we hear a good tale. If true, then parents should maximize storytelling and not just leave it to teachers! But how? Matt Bianco and Brian Phillips identify the roadblocks, offer advice and walk us…

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Looking Over Galileo’s Shoulder In the Classical Christian Classroom ~ Ravi Jain

Parents and teachers often ask, “How do you teach science and math classically?” Today’s guest, Ravi Jain, is probably the most knowledgeable person to answer this question. As a science teacher and co-author of The Liberal Arts Tradition: A Philosophy of Christian Classical Education, he offers theory and practical advice that every listener can incorporate…

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Ohio School Differentiates Itself By Switching To Classical Christian ~ Toledo Christian Schools

A growing number of Christian schools are differentiating themselves by shifting to classical Christian education. One example is Toledo Christian Schools in Toledo, Ohio.  BaseCamp Live host, Davies Owens, visited Toledo Christian on a “BaseCamp Live RoadShow” to hear firsthand from three teachers about the transition. Listen in to learn about their journey as a…

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The Closing of the Scientific Mind… But Not In Classical Christian Schools ~ Dr. Tim Anstine

The last three decades have revealed amazing scientific discoveries. Yet, Chemistry tends to get a bad rap from American students and parents. Why? Looking back to the model of classical universities, Dr. Tim Anstine points out how the original scientists taught science. The great news is that today’s classical Christian schools follow this same model…

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Best of Both Worlds… A New Educational Model Gets 5 Thumbs Up ~ Melody Tracy and Mandi Moore

Is it possible to blend the flexibility of home life with the advantages and curriculum of the classical classroom? Yes! Parents and educators are excited about a new hybrid model that provides the best of both worlds. Listen in to hear about the latest option that parents, students and teachers give a five thumbs up!…

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