Finding Time in a World on the Run
50 years ago, God led Edith and Francis Schaeffer to Switzerland where they opened their home to people searching for the meaning in life. Today, L’Abri Fellowship continues to...
91% of Americans Agree With This – Do You? Does Your Child?
As reported in the book Good Faith, 91% of Americans (76% of practicing Christians) agree that “the best way to find yourself is by looking within yourself.” New research from...
Elementary Is Not Enough – How A Classical High School BEST Prepares Kids For College
Some folks figure that K-8 classical Christian education is a good enough foundation and that their kids need a dose of the real world in high school to get...
The Scary Trend Skyrocketing In Today’s Teens
Keith McCurdy has counseled more than 12,000 families in the last 25 years and logged more than 75,000 clinical hours. . From his unique perspective he sees a mysterious...
What Our Kids Love Most
Parenting at it’s most basic level is guiding the next generation to love what God loves. Pastor John Piper has built his ministry around the transformative idea that God...
Helping Teens Find Purpose in an Age of Anxiety and Depression
What is the one core life ingredient that every person must have? Without it teenagers can become susceptible to depression, anxiety and even suicide. But with it, a person...
Why Future Engineers Desperately Need a Liberal Arts Education
There is a lot of fear today that children are not getting enough science and technology training, especially in a K-12 classical Christian school. The race for technical skill...
Star Wars Does Battle Against the Me Generation
It is all about ME! Discover the greatest you! Just Do It! Be true to yourself! Countless slogans define our culture and whisper to our children…yet we are called...
Classically Schooled Graduates Retell Journey 25 Years Later
If you could fast forward 25 years into the future and interview your kids as adults about their education, what would they say? Our guests today graduated from one...
How do we form a human soul? What Charlotte Mason knew about the art of education.
How do we make education a joyful discovery? Is it knowledge alone or do relationships have something to do with it? What kind of relationship does your child have...