
Why Future Engineers Desperately Need a Liberal Arts Education

There is a lot of fear today that children are not getting enough science and technology training, especially in a K-12 classical Christian school. The race for technical skill...

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Star Wars Does Battle Against the Me Generation

It is all about ME! Discover the greatest you! Just Do It! Be true to yourself! Countless slogans define our culture and whisper to our children…yet we are called...

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Classically Schooled Graduates Retell Journey 25 Years Later

If you could fast forward 25 years into the future and interview your kids as adults about their education, what would they say? Our guests today graduated from one...

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Two Ways to Evaluate a School (Whether Online or Brick and Mortar)

Online learning is a growing alternative to brick and mortar schools. There are lots of advantages to learning outside a traditional classroom, but there are limits to this form...

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We Don’t Need No SAT Test! There’s a Better Way to Test for College Entrance

For decades the SAT has served as THE doorway that all students have to successfully pass through if they have any hopes of being accepted by reputable colleges. But...

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1 Million Dead in 100 Days – Education as a Killing Machine

For 100 days in 1994 more than one million Rwandans were killed in a genocide by their own neighbors. How could such a horrific killing come about? Patrick Twagirayesu...

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Under 18: Barna Researcher Shares the Latest Findings on Gen Z

Brooke Hempell is the VP of Research for the Barna Group. Their latest research (due out in January 2018) examines the “Gen Z” generation now in K-12 schools. This...

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Why Classical Education May Not Be For You

There are a lot of reasons to love classical Christian education, but is it really best for every family and child? Are there some folks who would actually do...

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I’ve Got 50 Bible Versions on My Phone — Why Memorize It?

Knowing and loving the Bible is something Christian parents know is critical for the spiritual well-being of their children. Yet in a “sound bite” culture, why do we need...

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How Would You Try to Change the Culture of an Entire Country?

Greg Wilson and Lisa Irving joined Bruce Flanagan in Ho Chi Minh City in Vietnam to help him do just that. Bruce spent 26 years in various capacities —...

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