Paul Drake

The Telos of Education with David Diener

Too many people today assume the primary goal of education is to get enough knowledge and training to get to a good college and get a job. Yet classical Christian educators and parents know those goals are too low; college and careers are a given. We are aiming for far more. But what exactly is…

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200th Episode w/ Keith McCurdy

Four years ago I launched this podcast out of what began several years before as a Tuesday night parent education night at our school. And now this is episode 200! What have we learned through the 8,000-plus minutes of discussions?  Stay tuned as Keith McCurdy and I take a look back to celebrate God’s faithfulness through…

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Life Without Fear w/ Ben Bost

We live in a therapeutic age where feelings and emotions dominate reason and confidence in truth.  Almost anywhere you turn these days, researchers are telling us how folks are more anxious and consumed in fear than at any other point in recent history. Fears inhibit our students’ ability to learn and impact their physical, social,…

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The Lost Art of Discipling Children

For centuries young parents raised their children in the same community as their extended family. Best practices for raising and disciplining children were both modeled and supported by the entire community.  But today, the vast majority of young parents don’t live near their family and even when they do, they may not care to discipline…

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Habits of the Household

Looking for a way out of the frazzle and rush of life? Whether you are an administrator, teacher, or parent, the practical wisdom from my guest today is just for you. Justin Whitmel Earley endured his own season of crisis and discovered the power of habits in a transformational way that fundamentally changed his family…

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Seeing the Long View

“The days are long and the years are short,” as the saying goes. On any given day, the long scramble from the morning routine of getting our children off to school (finding uniforms, breakfasts, and sprints to the carpool line to a full afternoon of after-school activities, extensive homework) can leave one wondering is the…

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Only For Smart Kids?

Is classical Christian education really for all children, of all abilities? In an age where the number of children with diagnosed needs seems to be spiking, how can schools effectively meet the needs of all children, especially when so many schools work with limited resources? We welcome back Leslie Collins whose last interview a few…

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No Parent Left Behind…Partnering with Your School

EPISODE SUMMARY Parents play a vital role in the success of their children in school. Increasingly, classical Christian schools (CCE) go against the grain of many schools who actively encourage parents to disengage and let them outsource their children’s education to the institution or even the government. But despite a growing culture expecting parents to…

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How to Be Unlucky: Reflections on the Pursuit of Virtue w/ Josh Gibbs

As parents and teachers, we want the next generation to love God and love the good. But for many young people who sit in K-12 classrooms, they wander into the land of the prodigal and question if what they have heard is little more than empty moralisms.  But our job is to remain faithful.  Are…

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Hope for Today from Voices of Yesterday

There is nothing new under the sun.  That is good news..because the deepest questions of life and faith (who am I, why am I here, where am I going) have been asked throughout history, and in many cases asked better and in more articulate and winsome ways by those who came far before us —…

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