Episodes: Masonry

Browse Through Our Episodes

Dick Keyes on Teaching Truth in a Relativistic World

The world is getting crazy. How do we raise a generation that refuses to compromise in matters of faith, especially in a world that rejects, even scorns, anyone who...

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R. Keith Loftin on Teaching Students What It Means To Be Human

What does it mean to be human, to be civil, to have a confident purpose in life? Raising up a generation that will genuinely truly is the goal of...

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How Beauty Informs Truth and Goodness For Classical Christian Students ~ Nick Duncan

Episode Notes: Most classical Christian educators talk about truth and goodness. But when it comes to beauty it seems as though it’s not as critical or practical. At most,...

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Beating Hollywood Through Storytelling  And Capturing Students’ Hearts ~ Louis Markos

We classical Christian folk frequently talk about forming virtue in young people. But if we’re not careful, we can bury students in our well-intended rules and academic expectations and...

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Aiming Higher: Education Fit to Save Civilization (More Than Ever Series) ~ Jared Squires

What could be more important than excellent reading, writing, and arithmetic skills? More than ever, we need a generation of students who are cultivated to love what God loves,...

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How Classical Christian Trains Graduates to Stand Strong ~ Matthew Breazeale

Culture is always downstream of education. We are reaping today the fruits of what has been taught or not taught in schools. At BCL, we’re big fans of classical...

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Staying Off The Merry Go Round As Society Reopens & Speeds Up ~ Keith McCurdy

What have we learned from living through the pandemic? Sure, there have been challenges, but also some wonderful discoveries of taking time with family, slowing down, and sharing activities...

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Forming Human Souls In Chaotic Times With Classical Christian Education ~ Chris Schlect

How does reading Homer benefit students in a world gone amok? Shouldn’t we focus less on doing the hard thing and more on the practical needs that stem from...

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Teaching Kids To Roll With The Changes… As School Reopens ~ Keith McCurdy

Which age groups are having the toughest time as school reopens this side of the pandemic? Keith McCurdy is back to address what all students are most worried about...

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How To Keep Your Classical Christian School From Running Off The Rails ~ Kathleen Kitchin

What anchors a school? This is the million-dollar question author Kathleen Kitchin asks of existing classical Christian Schools. Her new book, First Things First: Keeping Your Classical Christian School...

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Managing Expectations For Our Children…In Uncertain Times ~ Josh Dyson

Culture often pressures us to believe that results and outcomes matter most. This attitude can bleed into the classical Christian school realm and affect our parenting. Josh Dyson, Head...

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Best Practices For Redeeming The Time With Kids and Grandkids At Home ~ Laurie Detweiler

Do you have an abundance of Amazon boxes lately? Laurie Detweiler, the Executive Vice President of Veritas Press, offers some creative ideas for you and the special kids in...

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