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No Parent Left Behind…Partnering with Your School
EPISODE SUMMARY Parents play a vital role in the success of their children in school. Increasingly, classical Christian schools (CCE) go against the grain of many schools who actively...
How to Be Unlucky: Reflections on the Pursuit of Virtue w/ Josh Gibbs
As parents and teachers, we want the next generation to love God and love the good. But for many young people who sit in K-12 classrooms, they wander into...
Hope for Today from Voices of Yesterday
There is nothing new under the sun. That is good news..because the deepest questions of life and faith (who am I, why am I here, where am I going)...
Recovering the Lost Art of Discernment with Hannah Anderson
EPISODE SUMMARY What does the world need now? Discernment! It is far more than just gaining wisdom and doing the right thing. It is the key to living the...
The Current State of Classical Christian Education with Eric Cook
There is a sizable migration underway of new families seeking to educate their children classically. Admissions lines are long in most classical Christian schools. Why is this happening now? ...
Got Questions? 100 Answers to Classical Christian Education
Classical Christian Education is a new experience for many people, and whether you are new or have been around a classical school for years, there are many questions about...
Engaging the Gen Z Mind
On this episode of BCL, It’s time to check in again with Brooke Hempell, senior VP at the Barna Group. As a research firm, Barna is tracking the latest...
Don’t Freak Out with Keith McCurdy
What is going on in the world today? Just when we think we have seen it or heard it all, we are hit with another crazy curveball. A quick...
Captain Shapes Inexperienced Students for Meaningful Life with Ralph Janikowsky
Imagine being the captain of a billion-dollar US Navy ship with some 400 young sailors under your command. Lots of habits to form, discipline to instill, and curiosity and...
700 Years of Encouragement with Doug Henry
Seven hundred years ago, Dante wrote what has been called the most significant single poem ever written. He lived in a world not unlike our own. Fraught with both...
Is Education Valuable? with Steve Turley
In this episode, Davies was back on the road at the summer ACCS conference with friend and thought leader Dr. Steve Turley. We explore how so much of what...
A Third Way Forward with Katharine Savage
In this episode, I was back on the road again. Live in Dallas at the ACCS conference with head of school Katharine Savage. Serving in urban Philadelphia, Katharine shares...
Wisdom from the Ancients for a Flourishing Today with Louis Markos
If there is nothing new under the sun, then it makes sense to look to those who have gone before us for the answers to living boldly and confidently...
Classical Christian Education Is More Than We Realize with Clifford Humphrey
Classical Christian Education is a fantastic form of education, yet it is often challenging for parents and educators to define it well. In an effort to explain it and...
Hope for the Next Generation in an Age of Uncertainty, with John Stonestreet
Today, it is easy to find the bad news. It blasts across our screens with a steady message of doom and gloom. As we raise the next generation, what...
Classical Christian Education for All Students, with Heather Lloyd
Classical Christian education is the fastest-growing segment among all types of Christian private schools. But are classical Christian schools for everyone? One in five students today are diagnosed with...
Wisdom Needed for the Good Life with Jonathan T. Pennington
What does it mean to flourish as a human? It occurs through living intentionally and thoughtfully in particular ways. Neither virtue nor its eventual fruit, happiness, comes to us...
Entitled or Grateful? Choices Before the Next Generation, with Keith McCurdy
Selfish or selfless? Entitled or blessed? Increasingly, children are raised in a world revolving around them, creating attitudes of “I-deserve-it-because-I-exist.” The world celebrates entitlement through everyday messages from social media...
Stuck in the Present, with David Moore
Are you stuck in the present? Our culture is quick to dismiss anything perceived as old, even last year’s cell phone model, much less the wisdom learned from history....
Stanton Lanier on Music to Light the World
Ready for some encouragement? Music moves us, awakens our souls, and brings light to the world. My guest today, Stanton Lanier, is a pianist, composer, orchestrator, and faithful believer....
Maryellen St. Cyr on How to Teach Well
We are a culture that values speed and volume over being paced and measured. How does the pedagogy of a classroom lead to joyful discovery and efficient learning? Classical...
Chris McKenna on Why Parental Controls Don’t Work
Does your family have Digital Trust? How does Digital Trust help a family deal with pornography, YouTube, TikTok, or gaming? Good questions, and we’ll answer them. No parental control...
Jacob Hess on Arts, Stories and Liturgy That Awaken Us
We are raising our families in an increasingly challenging cultural moment. And yet we know God calls us to worship and give thanks continually rather than fall into the...
Only For Smart Kids?
Is classical Christian education really for all children, of all abilities? In an age where the number of children with diagnosed needs seems to be spiking, how can schools...